I wonder if they are referring to the Census Watch list?
- Globe and Mail: Tories edge ahead but landscape looks‘as stable as a drunken bear on a bicycle’
- BC Local News: Warawa weighs in on census
- Reuters: Conservatives backtracks slightly on census
- Calgary Herald: What’s the diff?
- BIV Business Today: Ottawa’s decision to make long-form census voluntary riles planners
- Montreal Gazette: Are you threatened by the long census form?
- Toronto Star: Siddiqui: Let’s not forget the scandal on the census
- Globe and Mail: On census, let’s hear from ‘ordinary’ Canadians Even though the federal government’s plans at a Commons committee feel like a stunt, we should welcome the opportunity to show the value of the census and undermine the argument that it intimidates Canadians. (where are is he going to find them and has he not seen the Census Watch List?)
- Xtra! : Eliminating long census ‘short-sighted,’ queers say
FEDERAL POLITICS / ‘The Conservative agenda is to make people invisible - Maclean’s Media Roundup
- Toronto Sun: Hitching Ontario’s wagon to fights, gambling The weak and the foolish will fuel our government’s insatiable desire for money
- Cyberpresse: Les Canadiens attachés au formulaire long obligatoire
- BC Local News: And the survey says…
- David Eaves: Good Statistical Data: We fund it in Africa, but not in Canada
- Globe and Mail: Tories stall census probe, ask to hear from average citizens
- Macleans: A know-nothing strain of conservatism COYNE: The PM once was viewed as rigid but upright; doctrinaire, but with a certain integrity
- The Windsor Sun: Census sense Privacy remains bottom line
- FP Legal Post: Census fight gets legal
- Daily Herald Tribune: No jail for refusing census, only fines: Clement
- Maclean’s: ‘It’s an ugly, ugly picture’
- Merrit Herald: Census aids city planners
- Canada.com: Tories can’t silence census critics with changes
- Burnaby News Leader: Census flap raises local concerns
- Merritt Herald: City encourages use of long-form census
- Social Planning Council of Toronto: 2) Flying Blind
- Calgary Herald: Health boss criticizes plan to scrap long census form
- Alex’s Blog: Four Reasons, No explanation
- Cyberpresse: Le triomphe de l’ignorance
- rabble.ca: The economist in Harper knows exactly why he’s decimating the census
Tracey P. Lauriaut and Hugh McGuire have an access to data in Canada chapter in the following newly published book:
Access to public sector information : law, technology and policy: Volume 1 , Editor: Brian Fitzgerald, Sydney University Press
On the back of the growing capacity of networked digital information technologies to process and visualise large amounts of information in a timely, efficient and user-driven manner we have seen an increasing demand for better access to and re-use of public sector information (PSI). The story is not a new one. Share knowledge and together we can do great things; limit access and we reduce the potential for opportunity.
The two volumes of this book seek to explain and analyse this global shift in the way we manage public sector information. In doing so they collect and present papers, reports and submissions on the topic by the leading authors and institutions from across the world. These in turn provide people tasked with mapping out and implementing information policy with reference material and practical guidance.
An online free version should be accessible shortly.
I maintain a list of actions, lists of lists and other media round up sites at the bottom of Census Watch and thought I would elevate them. There are but a few weeks before the house sits (Sept. 20) and I thought you all might like to do a few things in preparation. The local action is critical.
1. Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD): Long Form Census Toolkit
- Grass roots local action is key, especially in Tory ridings. Very helpful information, templates, letters, and tips on talking to your MP.
2.Community Groups: Save our Census
- Resources, tool kits, action letters, bumper stickers and more
3. Petition: Keep the Canadian Census Long Form Petition
- Over 15 000 signatures so far! Go sign it.
4. New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women: Take Action et En action et ; A woman’s View & Le point de vue d’une femme
- Information on taking action in New Brunswick, and talking points on why the census is important for women
5. Caledon Institute of Social Policy: Stand up for good government, MPs*
- Reflections on governing when letter writing and voting
6. Community Dispatch: Changes To 2011 Census Threaten Community Data
- Census issue explained bu community Development Halton and action items.
7. Citizens Engaging Democracy, Newmarket-Aurora
- facebook group, local coffee meetings to plan for local action
8. Vote on the Digital Strategy Submission: Reinstate the Census Long Form
- Well we know what happened here! Just a reminder about a consultation gone bad!
9. Letter Writing: Canadian Institute of Planners
- Well, letter writing. This was the first group to hit the ground on this issue along with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
10. Facebook Page: Keep the Canadian Census Long Form
- Join the group
- INDU Committee Meeting Announcement: August 16, 2010
- Le Devoir: Sondage Angus Reid – Le recensement divise encore plus les CanadiensL’insatisfaction globale est en hausse, mais les sympathisants conservateurs appuient davantage Stephen Harper
- The Ottawa Citizen: Harper’s (census) Index: Not to be confused with Harper’s magazine’s index of ‘ironic statistics arranged for thoughtful
effect’ - Cyberpresse: Faut-il se recenser au Québec ?
- CBC Kady O’Malley: Liveblogging the possibly not-in camera Industry committee meeting
- Toronto Star: Advisory body says Clement wasting millions on census changes
- Cyberpresse: Un été de bullshit
- The Record Gazette: Letter: Long-form census protected women’s rights
- Globe and Mail: NDP seeks emergency debate on ‘integrity of the census’ NDP Leader Jack Layton speaks at an Ottawa news conference on July 6, 2010.
- Globe and Mail: Clement digs in heels and gains a supporter on census
- CBC News: Census earns vote from Charlottetown council
- Toronto Sun: Feds need to focus on economy, not census
- The Star Phoenix: Census change a step back: Lees
- Progressive Economics Forum: National Statistics Council Statement on Census
- The Mark: A Country Founded On Statistics
- Global Winnipeg: Tories tweak short-form census in wake of language protest http://www.globalwinnipeg.com/entertainment/Tories+tweak+short+form+census+wake+language+protest/3389773/story.html
- Calgary Herald: Pay for census
- Telegraph Journal: Francophones pan census move
- The Tyee: Harper’s Latest Step in Building ‘Tea Party North’
- National Post: Dan Arnold: Astonishing ineptitude on the census
- Edmonton Journal: Alberta health chief slams census changes Planning efforts hindered, Duckett says
- Samara: “The risk is a debate that erodes public confidence in the importance of our census“
- Alex’s Blog: Bargain Basement Citizenship
- Le Droit: Boycottons le recensement!
- The Chronicle Herald: Feds do belong in census business
- The Globe and Mail: Should Tories, Liberals and New Democrats just give up on Quebec?
- The Ottawa Citizen: Fiscal conservatism loses out again
- The Hill Times: It will be difficult for Tories to recover from census debacle
- inews 880: Health boss wants mandatory census
- Ottawa Citizen: Fiscal conservatism loses out again
- Globe and Mail: Clement performs, Harper coaches as Tory lead narrows
- Toronto Star: Travers: Liberals look on as Tories vandalize Canada
- Angus Reid Public Opinion Poll: Hostility Towards Census Changes Remains the Norm in Canada No signs of controversy dying down, as a majority of Canadians continue to call on the federal government to back down.
- Star Phoenix: Census isn’t privacy concern
- Times Transcript: Acadian group celebrates latest census changes
- The Montreal Gazette: Conservatives sweat the small stuff too much
- The Barrier Examiner: Census data should be available to all
- City View Airdrie: Voluntary long-form census respects Canadians’ privacy
- Vernon Morning Star: City protests census change
- National Statics Council: Press Release Aug 13,
- My Kawartha: A matter of privacy MP Dean Del Mastro says filling out full census shouldn’t be mandatory
- rabble.ca: Focus on the census shows Canadians won’t take Harper’s bait
- The Telegraph Journal: Why won’t feds count at-home mothers?
- WOMEN – The Telegraph Journal: Census: the less we know, the less we know
- Women – L’étoile: Moins on en sait…
- Globe and Mail: Census debate is nothing new
Prime minister John Diefenbaker, shown in Toronto on Nov. 3, 1959, was also concerned about the intrusive nature of some questions on Canada’s census. - Toronto Star: Canada’s census, intrusive? Nothing like the alternatives
- The Globe and Mail: In his quest for a majority, the PM has fallen off the best path The Conservatives have spurned the ‘big tent,’ appealing to core voters but alienating wobblies andmoderates
- Ottawa Sun: Feds need to focus on economy, not census
- CBC news: Layton calls for urgent census debate
- Ottawa Citizen: Commons committee deadlocked over census talks
- The Tyee: Opinion Census Ruckus: I’m with Harper on This One (ahum – he has not read his facts nor does he know the law)
- Muchmore Canada Magazine: Hostility towards census changes remains the norm in Canada
- Radio Canada: La controverse rebondit en Cour
- The Hill Times: Conservative fundraisers calling from PMO: party member ‘I received a call from the PMO asking if I would like to make a donation,’ says Jonathan Berkowitz
- The Record: Tories blink on census: change short-form, drop jail penalty
- The Mark: With all the current wrangling over the fate of the long-form census, we should recall the vital role stats has played in Canada’s history.
- The Globe and Mail: Even God ordered a census Like Moses’s nemesis the Pharaoh, the federal government has turned a deaf ear
- CBC: Orders of the Day – Just when you thought there was nothing on the Hill sked today…
- CTV news: Conservatives make changes to short-form census
- The Edson Leader: Decision has little impact: area officials
- The Calgary Herald: Fraser Institute looking for donations to oppose census
- Times & Transcript: Politics of losing our census
- CBC: No more census concessions, Clement vows
- The Western Standard: Fraser Institute: We’re getting pilloried over support for making long-form census voluntary
- The Globe and Mail: Jim Flaherty’s census defence: Just ask them
- The Globe and Mail: PM gets Barenaked before getting down to business
- The Montreal Gazette: Census consensus eludes premiers: Several scold Harper
- Inside Halton: Long census benefits have-nots
- The Calgary Herald: Another Day, another census joke…
- The Toronto Sun: Stephen Harper’s headaches … is that it?: Snobelen
- The Globe and Mail: The end of online privacy
- The National Post: Stephen Gordon: The dog’s breakfast census
- The Telegraph: Making sense of the census debate
- National Post: George Jonas: Your data or your freedom
- The Calgary Herald: Fraser Institute looking for donations to oppose census
First of all! A cool CBC Archive Video: 1961 census counts, not humourous but, mais bon, le plus Ça change le plus c’est la même chose!
Next up, Census Swag Perfect for summer – and no, datalibre.ca does not get a cut!
- Cyberpresse: Recensement: Ottawa ajoute deux questions sur les langues officielles
- Globe and Mail: Tories make language concession on census
- Inside Halton: Utter non-census
- CTV News: Conservatives make changes to short-form census
- Planetizen: Canadian Politicans: Come to Your Census!
- Worthwhile Canadian Initiative: Unpaid work and the census: who cares?
- Telegraph Journal: Why won’t feds count at-home mothers?
- Globe and Mail: Sense still incomplete on the census: Clement is giving bad information to support his plan for bad-quality data. And on language, he admitted he was wrong
- Orangeville: Long-form census needed for a well-informed society
- The Amherst Citizen: In defense of the longform census
- Toronto Sun: Dumb gets dumber: Arbitrary federal deadline for stimulus funding makes absolutely no sense
- Liberal Party: Liberal Party in Canada Happy with Fed. Court’s Judgment on Census
- Caledon Enterprise: Town opposes census scrap
- National Post: Tories tweak census after language protest
- StatCan Media Advisory: Media advisory: 2011 Census
- The Province: The census mess: Clement blinks (sort of); critics want more
- David Akin: From the desk of Tony Clement. Re: Census
- Canada news Brief: Tories tweak short-form census in wake of language protest
- Global Winnipeg: Federal Court to fast-track census challenge
- Global Winnipeg: Clement tidied up census message for committee hearings, documents show
- CBC News: Census changes: The statement
- Vancouver Sun: Census change aims to keep it legal Language questions to be included on mandatory survey, Clement says
- CBC News: UPDATED – CensusWatch: Don’t mess with the francophonie. (Or the Acadians)
- Times Transcript: Now cometh the strong men
- The Melfort Journal: Voters voices matter in federal politics
- Globe and Mail Exclusive Commentary: Information must be Canada’s bedrock
- The Toronto Star: Tories twisted census findings: memos
- the Calgary Herald: The census scandal: What did they know…and when did they know it?
- Macleans: Worthwhile census submissions (III)
- 570 news: Region objects to cancelling long form census
- The Barrie Examiner: In short, the long-form census is valuable
- CBC News: Orders of the Day – Oh no! We’re running out of clever census-related puns, but not census-related news!
- National Post: Tasha Kheiriddin: The sad tale of Tony Clement
- Winnipeg Free Press: Group trying to kill Tory census changes faces Wednesday showdown in court
- Macleans: Worthwhile census submissions
- Toronto Sun: French language group to get ruling on census hearing
- Ottawa Citizen: Sharks swimming
- Globe and Mail: Court to fast-track census challenge
- CBC News: Census court challenge to be heard in Sept.
- CBC News: Census Document Dump: Yes, MINO!
- Globe and Mail: Hugh Segal If we let partisanship steer us, we’re in for a train wreck Conservative Senator Hugh Segal. The basic social fabric that constitutes Canada will be on the table in 36 months
- CBC news: StatsCan warned of poor census response rate
- Yahoo news: Feds tried to shape StatsCan census message
- Rabble.ca: The long shadow of the long census cancellation: A politician’s nightmare
- Canadian Press: StatsCan, feds at odds over messages around voluntary census: documents
- From the Globe and Mail:
- The Toronto Star: Clement misled Canadians on census: secret documents
- Post Media News: Clement tidied up census message for committee hearings, documents show
- CBC: Census Document Dump: Behind the scenes of a most unexpected public relations crisis
- The Globe and Mail: Statscan chief disagreed with Tory census changes, documents confirm
- The Globe and Mail: We still have time to reverse the census decision
- Yahoo News: Bloc: No census form? Well, then, no passport
- Globe and Mail: Use passport or EI as census leverage, Duceppe says
Bloc Québécois Leader suggests alternatives to jail term in bid to reach compromise over PM’s decision to scrap mandatory long form - Video: Evan Solomon CBC Inteview with Munir Sheikh
- Macleans: The question of civic duty
- Toronto Star: Bloc’s census proposal: Fill out long form or lose passport
- CTV news: Bloc census idea: Don’t complete the form? No passport
- Global National News Clip and article
- Winnipeg Free Press: StatsCan, feds at odds over messages around voluntary census: documents
- Orillia’s Packet ad Times: PM creates very issues he dismisses as folly
- The Gazette: Lawyer balks at request to speed up census court case
- Times and Transcript: Dieppe council to vote on census position
- Financial Post Comments: FP Letters: Voluntary census risks trivialized
- The Mowat Centre: The Census: A Compromise and the Seeds of Long-Term Change
- Planet S: Eff The Facts Why the Tories sabotaged the census
I contacted the Clerks office to find these documents today. Here is the link to the official transcript from the 40th PARLIAMENT, 3rd SESSION Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology EVIDENCE Tuesday, July 27, 2010, Meeting 29. I highly recommend that folks download documents from here before they disappear or are modified. Remember the consultation gone bad!
Also, here are the MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS, Meeting No. 29 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 in which the following motions appears:
1) That pursuant to Standing Order 108 and the committee’s study of the long-form portion of the Census, this Committee notes that, the long-form census is a vital tool for good policy-making and the decision to amend it was short-sighted and carried out without consultation. Therefore, the government should immediately reinstate the manditory nature of the long-form census. And, that this committee tables this report upon resumption of Parliament.
2) Dan McTeague moved, — The committee request under the authority of Standing Order 108 in relation to its study on the long-form portion of the Census, that the Minister table all documents and emails between Statistics Canada, the Privy Council Office and the Minister of Industry`s office on changes to the 2011 census. The committee also requests the analysis section of the Memorandum to Cabinet. And requests that said material be delivered to the committee within 5 days.
I called the Chair’s office, Michael D.Chong, Conservative MP Wellington – Halton Hills (613) 992-4179, and spoke to an official on the phone who explained that motions are binding and at times it is not unusual for documents to be late, as was the case here. The Documents that were requested were delivered to the members of the committee. The documents are Memorandum to Cabinet and we citizens are not privy to those.
Also, if the government of the day does not comply with committee motions, there are a number of actions that can be taken such as censure in the house or a consideration of contempt of parliament. These seem like compelling actions. I will someday read the House of Commons Practical Guide to Committees to see if there are any other procedural things of note.
Further, reports are produced from committee which include non binding recommendations. And the first part of this motion is the substance of the report – verbatum – that will be submitted to parliament when it resumes. It will be up to us to ensure that this one is.
Here is the INDU Committee Contact Information. The site is designed to make it near impossible to find information, but the clerk might be able to help you find what you need:
Michelle Tittley
Clerk of the Committee
Tel.: 613-947-1971
Sixth Floor, 131 Queen Street
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-996-1626
E-mail: INDU@parl.gc.ca
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