- Toronto Star: Health at risk if long-form census scrapped: experts
- AM630 CHED Radio: Support grows for the long form census
- Montreal Gazette: PM’s top aide expected step aside
- Radio Canada: Levée de boucliers des professionnels de la santé
- Digital Journal: Losing the census will impact Canadian’s health
- CBC News: EKOS Extra: Who <3s you, mandatory long form census?
- Northern Life: Mandatory long form census influences health policy, research
- Winnipeg Free Press: Switch to voluntary census puts vulnerable at risk, coalition charges
- Cranbrook Daily Townsman: Voluntary long-form census will be more accurate than mandatory, says Abbott (just because there are more does not mean it is more accurate!)
- Digital Journal: Census Canada 2011 : Short Form Instructions
- The Sudbury Star: Census yields less reliable data
- The Daily Herald: Census changes concern health community
- The Hill Times: Summer Census crisis of 2010 was bizarre, unnecessary, overblown, says Powers
- Canadian School Board Association: The Census Debate: How Will the Elimination of the Long-Form Census Affect Education in Canada?
- Toronto Star: Tories are clever tacticians
- Edmonton Journal: Poll showing Grits even with Tories deceiving
- Rabble.ca: Not Rex: The long and the short – census, guns and more
- The McGill Daily: Student government opposes census changes
Data narration in action!
Last week’s Save the Census Health Campaing yielded some great footage:
City of Winnipeg
APTN Voluntary long form census will hurt Canadians’ health
City of Toronto
Media Release – Health professionals warn of health impact of the loss of the mandatory long form census. Here are the YouTube videos of the Toronto Event on Sept. 2:
Save The Census Health Media Event – Introduction
Save The Census Health Media Event – Dr David McKeown, Medical Officer of Health, City of Toronto
Save The Census Health Media Event – Rob Milling, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO)
Save The Census Health Media Event – John McLaughlin, Cancer Care Ontario
Save The Census Media Event – Anne-Marie Holt, Ontario Association of Public Health Epidemiologists
Save The Census Media Event – Cherie Miller, Regent Park Community Health Centre
- Momentum Magazine: Census Counts Bicycles Too
- The Hill Times: How justified are privacy, coercion concerns related to long-form census? Since both the penalties and the content of the questionnaires are the government’s prerogative, why did they not simply address both issues within the context of its review of the census?
- Montreal Gazette: The challenge: Getting Canadians to fill out the voluntary census
- Globe and Mail: Canadian rock star Hawksley Workman on the census controversy
- Winnipeg Free: Press Brouhaha over census farcical
- CPAC sessions on Aug. 27
- The Cranbrook Townsman: The new voluntary census
- Globe and Mail: Census ‘raspberries’ put Tories on par with Liberals
- Calgary Herald: End of mandatory census ‘mindless,’ government warned
- Times&transcript: Taking care of the care givers in New Brunswick
- The Vancouver Sun: Canadians offering donations to Francophone group’s census battle
- Global National: Census changes impact statistical integrity, hearing told
- National Post: Scrap the long form
- Rebuttal to the above: Something more effective
- Post Media News: Long-form census ‘a public good,’ committee hears
- Caledon Enterprise: In response to Mr. Paul Smith and your queries on the census
- Canadian Press: Tories promote ignorance, say Liberals
- Fogarty Law Firm: Canada’s proposed 2011 Census reform: Are concerns of opposition parties and the media legitimate?
MEDIA ADVISORY: Health-care professionals protest cuts to long form census
TORONTO – Sept. 1, 2010 – Medical and population health researchers and health-care professionals are convinced that the cancellation of the mandatory long form census will create a significant health risk for Canadians. That’s why they are participating in a series of media events in cities across the country on Thursday, September 2.
Initiated by the “Save the Census Campaign”, being spearheaded by social planning bodies across Canada, these events will feature Medical Officers of Health, physicians, nurses, medical researchers, representatives of Community Health Centres and other health-care professionals who are concerned about the health implications of this decision.
“Long form census data is used to make decisions about local health care and public health services, and as a foundation for population-based research into medical conditions and diseases. Loss of this data will make it more difficult to address the pressing health needs of Canadians,” said Dr. David McKeown, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto.
Events are planned for Thursday, September 2nd in Toronto, Ottawa, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Vancouver. Confirmed participants include Medical Officers of Health, the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO), the Canadian and Ontario Epidemiological Societies, and front-line medical researchers.
Tomorrow, Thursday September 2nd, 10:00 a.m.
Women’s College Hospital, Main Lobby, 76 Grenville Street, Toronto (please note there is NO on-site parking)
Organizer: John Campey, Social Planning Toronto (416) 351-0095 x 260
- Dr. David McKeown, Medical Officer of Health, City of Toronto
- Rob Milling, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO)
- John McLaughlin, Vice-President, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario
- Anne-Marie Holt, President, Ontario Association of Public Health Epidemiologists
- Cherie Miller, Director of Community Health, Regent Park Community Health Centre
Thursday, September 2nd, 10:00 a.m. Carlington Community and Health Services, 930 Merivale Road, Ottawa ON
Organizer: Peggy Taillon, Canadian Council on Social Development (613) 236 8977 x 1
- Dr. Isra G. Levy, Chief Medical Officer of Health, City of Ottawa
- Michael Birmingham, Executive Director Carlington Community & Health Services and National Association of Community Health Centres
- Nancy Watters, Registered Nursing Association Ontario, Eastern Ontario Representative
Thursday, September 2nd, 10:00 a.m., City of Lakes Family Health Team Sudbury Site, 960 Notre Dame Avenue, Unit C. Sudbury
Organizer: Janet Gaspirini, Social Planning Council of Sudbury (705) 675-3894
- Dr. Chris Bourdon, Chief of Staff, Sudbury Regional Hospital
- Isabelle Michelle, Sudbury District Health Unit
- Dr. David Marsh, Associate Dean, Community Engagement, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Aboriginal Health and Wellness Center of Winnipeg, 181 Higgins Avenue (Time to be confirmed)
Organizer: Wayne Helgason, Winnipeg Social Planning Council (204) 943-2561
- Darlene Hall, Executive Director, Aboriginal Health and Wellness Center of Winnipeg
- Sandra Gessler, Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Manitoba
Thursday, September 2nd, 1:00 PM, Friends of Medicare Office, 10512 122nd St, Edmonton
Organizer: David Eggen, Friends of Medicare (780) 423-4581
- Dr. Colin Soskolne, President, Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- John Kolkman, Research Coordinator, Edmonton Social Planning Council
Organizer: Scott Graham, Social Planning and Research Council BC. (604) 718-8501
For more information, contact:
John Campey, Social Planning Toronto (416)351-0095 x 260 (cell) 647-283-9657
Peggy Taillon, Canadian Council on Social Development (613) 236-8977.
All of the session of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (August 27, 2010) are now available as Video on Demand on CPAC. The Sessions include:
MPs are continuing to study a plan to change Canada’s long-form census. Several witnesses are appearing to discuss the controversial proposal, which would make the long form voluntary but sent to more homes.
The first panel features Mel Cappe, president of the Institute for Research in Public Policy, Ian McKinnon, chair of the National Statistics Council, Joseph Lam, vice-president of the Canada First Community Organization, James Turk and Michael Ornstein from the Canadian Association of University Teachers, Clément Chartier, president of the Métis National Council, and farmer James Henderson.
The second panel features Micheal Vonn of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Michael Veall, economics professor at McMaster University, Jean-Pierre Beaud, dean of political science and law at the Université du Québec à Montréal, Victor Oh, honourary president of the Mississauga Chinese Business Association, Denis Bélisle, vice-president of the Federation of University Professors of Quebec, talk radio host Dave Rutherford, and Ken Murdoch, coordinator of the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg.
The third panel features Peggy Taillon, president and CEO of the Canadian Council on Social Development, Pierre Noreau, president of the Association francophone pour le savoir, Xinsheng (Simon) Zhong, executive director of the Toronto Community and Culture Centre, and Lawrie McFarlane, an editorial writer with the Victoria Times-Colonist.
Worthwhile Canadian Initiative – aka Prof. Gordon found data in the 2001 Census Handbook pp. 29-34 that did a great comparison of census questions between 1871 and 2001 and then added 2006. His analysis and the table are very enlightening!
This blog post Census Questionnaires – They’ve been long for a long time! has links to almost all of the questionnaires / schedules since the BNA Act of 1867.
- Le Devoir: Recensement: Nature sermonne Ottawa Harper a pris une décision à «courte vue», dit le prestigieux magazine américain
- Le Devoir: Ignorance mensongère
- CBC News: Liberals to table census bill
- Orangeville Citizen: Harper, McGuinty: contrasting leadership styles
- Macleans: The census: power, knowledge, and role-reversal
- Macleans: Conservatives slammed by science journal over census scrapping
- CBC News: MPs get earful on long-form census
- PostMedia News: Census the least of Canadians’ privacy concerns: Civil liberties group
- National Post: Census the least of Canadians’ privacy concerns: civil liberties group
- The Globe and Mail: Census burden ‘colossally inflated,’ MPs told
- Troy Media News: Why use coercion to collect census data?
- The Toronto Star: Census changes a ‘disservice’ to Canadians, MPs told
- The Globe and Mail: Canada goes off the statistical standard The leading science journal Nature is right to criticize Canada’s abandonment of the mandatory long-form census
- The Globe and Mail: Science journal attacks Harper’s ban on long census Provides essential information for planning the future, professors say in Nature
- The Vancouver Sun: Census changes impact statistical integrity, hearing told
- Global News: Census changes impact statistical integrity, hearing told
- The Mark: In a knowledge-based economy, we need more, not less, evidence-based policy design.
- Rabble.ca: The census and civil liberties: Interview with Micheal Vonn
- Abbotsford Mission Times: Long-running beef with census
- CFRA Radio: Liberals Slam Feds Over Census
- Inside Toronto.com: Mandatory long-form census paints picture of youth suicide
- Toronto Sun: Grits pushing census law
- Edmonton Journal: Alternatives to census long form road to privacy ‘disaster,’ expert says
Critics line up to attack Harper government’s elimination of traditional survey - The Telegraph Journal: A litany of mistakes
- The Toronto Sun: Committee tries to make sense of census
- Financial Post: Survey will ‘never be comparable’ to census
- National Post: Liberals plan to take census issue to Commons
- Vancouver Sun: Long-form census ‘a public good,’ committee hears
- Western Catholic Reporter: Keep mandatory long form census: Catholic Bishops
- CBC news: Committee wants long-form census reinstated
- The Chronicle Herald: It’s time to hold Harper to account
- The Montreal Gazette: Census ‘least of privacy concerns’ Creating more risk. Civil liberties group fears fallout if changes made
- Macleans: The census show trials
- Radio Canada: Nature dénonce Ottawa
- Sudburry Star: Census debate rages
- CBC: Committee wants long-form census reinstated
I was taking snack break and while doing so perused the #census in twitter and found this little gem. It is a bit long, but I like the idea nonetheless. This is simply animating a power point with images if how many’s in a 100 in Ottawa. We can do so much with data, and why not this type of reporting of the findings, and some engaging visualizations like they do in the NY Times while we are at it! Looks like the Peel Region did something similar with their data!
Ottawa as a 100 person village
Lots of great map examples of how to use and share open data in the UK.
The year open data went worldwide: Tim Berners-Lee on TED.com
Great Video’s on How to visualize and creatively think about data. I can watch these over and over.
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