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Here is a proposal that is on the table by the National Statistics Council of Canada:

The issue of the long form census has to be settled first. The outlines for a compromise solution were contained in a statement, issued yesterday, by the National Statistics Council. I fully endorse their ideas: :

  1. Restore the compulsory long form or make the equivalent National Household Survey compulsory;
  2. Repeal from the Statistics Act any mention of jail as a penalty for not completing the long form or an equivalent compulsory National Household Survey.
  3. For all future censuses introduce a series of explicit tests that would determine whether a proposed census question passes an appropriate balance between critical need for information and privacy.
  4. Instruct Statistics Canada to run tests, in time for recommendations about the 2016 census, concerning the possible impacts of a voluntary long form census.

a separate source is recommending the following regarding the appointment of a New Chief Statistician:

A new Chief Statistician has to be found with impeccable credentials and high credibility. Furthermore, the process should be, and should be seen as being totally transparent.[ It is] suggest[ed] the appointment of a search committee of eminent persons (such as the chair of the National Statistics Council, President of the Statistical Society of Canada, Chief Justice of Canada, President of the Royal Society of Canada, retired clerks of the Privy Council or others of similar credibility and profile). The committee would submit to the government a short list from which the Chief Statistician would be selected. It is utterly essential that in the midst of this crisis the next Chief Statistician be a person who is, and who was selected by a process, that is visibly above partisan fray.

NJN Network: Scrapped mandatory census cuts even deeper for disability advocacy group – Disability advocacy groups have major challenge ahead following cuts to the census and StatsCan’s disability survey

The Hill Times: Census uproar impacts ‘broader narrative’ of PM’s relationship with public service. Some say the issue will remind voters of a string of incidents in which the government has interfered with the federal public service.

Cyberpresse: Quand Stephen Harper aimait le recensement

Hill Times: Shine a light census blow-back

Globe and Mail: Scrapped mandatory census cuts even deeper for disability advocacy group Disability advocacy groups have major challenge ahead following cuts to the census and StatsCan’s disability survey

Globe and Mail: Why the census matters just about everywhere

Globe and Mail: Flaherty defends Tory census plan Finance Minister says Canadians will fill in voluntary census for ‘the good of the country’

Yahoo News: Political firestorm rages over Canadian census

Worthwhile Canadian Initiative: Why a Mandatory Census is Necessary

Toronto Star: Why the long census matters

105 Creations: Why we need to keep the long-form Census.

Le Devoir: Recensement – Ottawa doit faire marche arrière
Seul le quart des Canadiens jugent que le gouvernement Harper doit maintenir sa décision de retirer le formulaire long obligatoire

Globe and Mail: Harper’s census push months in the making Scrapping the mandatory long form stems from libertarian convictions, insiders say

Right of Centre: My Census Email to Peter Braid (CPC – KW)

CBC: Clement to face MPs on census

Vancouver Sun: Six things you should know about the Tories’ census change

Macleans: What time do you leave for work? Ottawa’s never actually asked

Why the Census Matters UIA and Jewish Federation. This is a great summary of the Issues. I am not in favour of the make due approach that is discussed, however, the speaker does qualify the statement with the fact that analysis can be done but not longitudinally. Meaning the new baseline for social analysis in Canada would become 2011 – we start over at ground zero.

Our Chief Statistician Resigned Yesterday. A first for Canada.

Below is his resignation letter which was quickly whisked off the Statistics Canada web site. Much like how Minister Clement removed the Census submission from the Digital Economy Consultation, and then of course there is the entire wiping out of baseline data.

Media advisory: 2011 Census

July 21, 2010

OTTAWA — There has been considerable discussion in the media regarding the 2011 Census of Population.

There has also been commentary on the advice that Statistics Canada and I gave the government on this subject.

I cannot reveal and comment on this advice because this information is protected under the law. However, the government can make this information public if it so wishes.

I have always honoured my oath and responsibilities as a public servant as well as those specific to the Statistics Act.

I want to take this opportunity to comment on a technical statistical issue which has become the subject of media discussion. This relates to the question of whether a voluntary survey can become a substitute for a mandatory census.

It can not.

Under the circumstances, I have tendered my resignation to the Prime Minister.

I want to thank him for giving me the opportunity of serving him as the Chief Statistician of Canada, heading an agency that is a symbol of pride for our country.

To you, the men and women of Statistics Canada – thank you for giving me your full support and your dedication in serving Canadians. Without your contribution, day in and day out, in producing data of the highest quality, Canada would not have this institution that is our pride.

I also want to thank Canadians. We do remember, every single day, that it is because of you providing us with your information, we can function as a statistical agency. I am attaching an earlier message that I sent to Canadians in this regard.

In closing, I wish the best to my successor. I promise not to comment on how he/she should do the job. I do sincerely hope that my successor’s professionalism will help run this great organization while defending its reputation.

Munir A. Sheikh

For more information, contact Media Relations at 613-951-4636

For details on the 2011 Census, see 2011 Census questionnaire.

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Graphic By point piece from David Akin

Jail Time and the CensusWorthwhile Canadian Initiative
The new talking point on the census: Tony Clement: Data is valuable to many. But personal questions you would like to force Cdns to answer on pain of jail is just plain wrong. Maxime Bernier: Why…

The new talking point on the census:

Tony Clement:

Data is valuable to many. But personal questions you would like to force Cdns to answer on pain of jail is just plain wrong.

Maxime Bernier:

Why in the world should peaceful and honest citizens be threatened with jail if they refuse to answer these questions?!

This argument omits three facts:

  1. The short-form census is still mandatory.
  2. The short-form census asks personal questions such as marital status.
  3. The maximum penalty for non-compliance with the short-form is… jail time.
If the problem is the threat of jail time, then remove the threat!
Media Roundup of Tuesday’s Finds:


Funny Stuff:

Via Twitter - Poster on Poll in Ottawa

Fantastic poster at Cartier and Somerset #census #cdnpoli

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010 in the Simon A. Goldberg Conference Room from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m (Ottawa time).

The text below, sent by the Chief Statistician to all employees of Statistics Canada is a very interesting development.

La version française suit.

2011 Census: Meeting the challenge

On June 26, 2010, the questionnaire for the 2011 Census was published in the Canada Gazette as required by the Statistics Act. The census will consist of the same eight questions that appeared on the 2006 Census short-form questionnaire. The information previously collected by the mandatory long-form questionnaire will now be collected as part of the new voluntary National Household Survey.

Since the announcement, this new format has received widespread coverage in the news media.

I am aware that this situation has generated questions. Given this, I have decided to hold a town hall on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 in the Simon A. Goldberg Conference Room from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m (Ottawa time).

In order to ensure I address those issues of most concern, I ask that you submit your questions via e-mail to Chief Statistician/Statisticien en chef before 12 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20 (Ottawa time).

Because of the limited capacity of the conference room, the meeting will be broadcast live on the ICN.   An e-mail with the link to the broadcast will be sent to all employees before the meeting. Simultaneous translation and sign interpretation will be provided.


Recensement de 2011 : relever le défi

Le 26 juin 2010, le questionnaire du Recensement de 2011 a été publié dans la Gazette du Canada, conformément à la Loi sur la statistique. Le recensement sera constitué des mêmes huit questions qui ont figuré dans le questionnaire abrégé du Recensement de 2006. Les données antérieurement recueillies au moyen du questionnaire détaillé seront recueillies sur une base volontaire dans le cadre de la nouvelle Enquête nationale auprès des ménages.

Depuis son annonce, ce nouveau format a reçu une couverture médiatique très importante.

Je suis conscient que la situation a soulevé des questions. Par conséquent, j’ai décidé de tenir une séance de discussion ouverte le mercredi 21 juillet 2010 au Centre de conférences Simon-A.-Goldberg de 14 h à 15 h (heure d’Ottawa).

Afin de bien cerner les enjeux les plus préoccupants, je vous demande de me faire parvenir vos questions à l’adresse Statisticien en chef/Chief Statistician d’ici le mardi 20 juillet à 12 h (heure d’Ottawa).

En raison de la capacité d’accueil limitée de la salle, la réunion sera diffusée sur intranet en temps réel.  Un courriel contenant le lien vers le RCI sera envoyé à tous les employés avant l’événement. La traduction simultanée et l’interprétation gestuelle seront offertes.

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This list is now being updated daily on the Census Watch Page.

List of Organizations Opposed to Changing the Long Form of the Census

This list was compiled by W. T. Stanbury ( and Armine Yalnizyan, Canadian Centre for Policy Analysis [last update:July 20,2010 ]

Access to public data is one of the most popular VOTE topics in the submissions on the Digital Economy Consultation site. Here are the VOTING submissions that ask for open data, open access and open government.

1. Open Access to Canada’s Public Sector Information and Data is looking for some votes.

2. Improved access to publicly-funded data associated with research data Require open access to results of research funded by the Canadian taxpayer

3. Open Access to Canadian research

4. National Archives Content Online

5. Créer une licence « Creative Commons » du Canada

6. Protect and enhance digital freedoms for education

There has also been some writing about the consultation:

Michael Geist: Opening Up Canada’s Digital Economy Strategy

David Eaves: Canada’s Digital Economy Strategy: Two quick actions you can take

Take a few minutes to login and vote! If you can, provide a comment about how access to data has improved or will improve your work.

Please vote – Open Access to Canada’s Public Sector Information and Data. This is part of the Industry Canada Digital Economy Consultation.

Please take some time to vote and distribute within your networks and institutions! It just takes a few seconds.

We are at a tipping point on this issue in Canada and your few seconds of your time could open up our data resources. You will also see a complimentary Research Data and improved access to publicly-funded data submissions that could also use some votes while you are at it!

Below is the text. If you have ideas that can be added for a formal submission, I would be really glad to hear from you!

Create a for Canada’s public sector information (PSI) and data in parallel with the excellent NRCan GeoConnections model (e.g. GeoGratis, GeoBase, Discovery Portal).

These PSI & data should be shared at no cost with citizens, be in accessible and open formats, searchable with standard metadata, wrapped in public domain or unrestricted user licenses, delivered within an an open architecture infrastructure based on open standards, specifications and be interoperable. It should be governed with open government principles whereby data & PSI are shared first and arguments to restrict are made only for legitimate privacy and security reasons which should also be disclosed. It should have a permanent home and include both the right combination of multi-departmental (e.g. CIC, INAC, HRSDC, NRC, NRCan, etc.) inputs, trans-disciplinary human resources (e.g. Librarians, archivists, scientists) along with IT specialists & engineers. It should be built in consultation with Canadians to ensure it is designed with user needs and useability in mind. (This is how the GeoConnections program built the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure).

The Government of Canada produces administrative data for the purpose of program delivery (e.g. Canada Student Loan, location where new Canadians land, the number and location of homeless shelters, etc.), and it produces data for the purpose of governing for example: the data collected by Statistics Canada (e.g. Census & Surveys, National Accounts); Environment Canada (e.g. air & water quality, location of brown sites); Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (e.g. satellite and radar imagery); Industry Canada (e.g. corporate registry); Canada Revenue Agency (e.g. Charities dbase); National Research Council (e.g. Scientific data); SSHRC (e.g., social science research data) and more. These data have already been paid for by Canadians via taxation, and the cost of selling these data back to citizens on a cost recovery basis is marginal or more expensive (e.g. Cost of government to government procurement, management of licences, royalties, government accounting and etc.) relative to the benefits & reduced overhead of delivering these data at no cost. Furthermore, Canadians often pay multiple times for the same data, since each level of government also purchases the same data, federal departments purchase these data from each other and there are examples where municipalities purchase the same data multiple times from Statistics Canada. This is not only a waste of taxpayer money it goes against the principle of create once and use many times and of avoiding the duplication of effort.

Data & PSI are non rivalrous goods where sharing and open access to these does not impede other from doing so. Open access stimulates research and IT sectors who will have the resources they need for the creation of new data R&D products (e.g. Applications) and services (e.g., web mapping), evidence based decision making (e.g. Population health), and informing public policy on a number of key Canadian issues (e.g. Homelessness, housing, education). In addition, evidence from Canadian City Open Data Initiatives (e.g., Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, and Ottawa) have demonstrated that the cost and time to find and access data & PSI within government have been greatly reduced since finding these are easier and negotiating access becomes a non issue, which in turn brings savings to citizens and greater efficiencies within these institutions. Finally, participatory and deliberative democracies include the active engagement and inputs from citizens, civil society organizations, the private sector, and NGOs along with their government. Making these data available increases the collective knowledge base of Canadians and stimulates public engagement, improves efficiencies, and fuels innovation.

These are already our (citizen’s) data & PSI, why not share share them with us and enable citizens and the government to work together to stimulate Canada’s economy, create innovative industries and formulate evidence based public policy.

The City of Ottawa is discussing Open Data. On March 1. 2010 a Report to City of Ottawa: Information Technology Sub-Committee / Sous-comité de la technologie de l’information was discussed between and among City staff & councilors and three members of the public.

The discussion yielded quite a bit of press in all the Ottawa Daily’s and on CBC:

Tracey p. Lauriault was interviewed on CBC Radio’s drive home show All in A Day by Alan Neal today. The meaning of open data for every day people and for the municipal democratic process was discussed. An MP3 clip of the interview is available upon request, just leave a comment w/your email address.

Ottawa Citizen: Sub-committee examines benefits of open data policy, by Neco Cockburn, March 2, 2010.

Le Droit: La Ville d’Ottawa compte devenir plus transparente – La capitale veut mettre en place une politique d’accès libre à ses données, par Dominique La Haye, 2 mars 2010.

Ottawa Sun: City mulls ‘open data’ for mobile phone apps, By Jon Willing, City Hall Bureau, March 2, 2010.

Ottawa Citizen: Need city data? Nope. There’s no app for that…Advocates of open data say making city info readily available in a format programmers can use would help citizens navigate services and save the city money. By By Neco Cockburn, March 8, 2010.


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