Articles by Tracey

I like data and think it should be shared at not cost! Especially public data!

Its official!

StatCan expects a 50% response rate from the Voluntary National Household Survey and would have expected a 94% response rate from a mandatory Long-Form Census.

Read: StatCan National Household Survey: data quality

This is a comparison between the 2006 Census and the 2011 Survey.  Most of the questions are the same or only have slightly modified wording.  I have only included major differences in the table below.  If you want the full comparison, drop me a comment with your email and I will gladly send it to you.

  • The Census question on Religion is not in 2006 as it only appears in the decennial censuses, in this case in the 2011 Survey.
  • The 3 part Household Activities Census Question was removed in the 2011 Survey.
  • 3 NEW questions about commuting are added in the 2011 Survey.
  • Paying for childcare or babysitting is NEW to the 2011 Survey.
  • Paying for child or spousal support is NEW to the 2011 Survey.
  • 2 NEW Dwelling question (Condo and Located on Agriculture Land) and 1 NEW portions (Subsidized ) are added to the 2011 Survey.

2006 Mandatory Long-Form Census Compared to the 2011 Voluntary National Household Survey

2006 Mandatory Long-Form Census 2011 Voluntary National Household Survey
Questions 1 - 17 Same
18. Is this person an Aboriginal person, that is, North American Indian, Métis or Inuit (Eskimo)? 18. Is this person an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
19. Is this person: White, Chinese, South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, etc.), Black, etc. This information is collected to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural and economic life of Canada. 19. Is this person: White; South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, etc.); Chinese; Black; Filipino;Latin American; Arab; Southeast; Japanese ;Other - Specify Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Malaysian, Laotian, etc.); West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan, etc.); Korean.
20. Is this person a member of an Indian Band / First Nation? 20. Is this person a Status Indian (Registered or Treaty Indian as defined by the Indian Act of Canada)?
21. Same (Order differs)
NOT in 2006 but in 2001 22. What is this person's religion?
Education Qs 26-32 Same Qs 27-33
33. Last week, how many hours did this person spend doing the following activities: (a) doing unpaid housework, yard work or home maintenance for members of this household, or others (b) looking after one or more of this person’s own children, or the children of others, without pay? (c) providing unpaid care or assistance to one or more seniors? Removed
LABOUR MARKET ACTIVITIES (Qs 34-39) Slighgtly Modified Wording (Qs 34-38) Q 39 Same
Employment Qs 41., 42. & 43. Same
Employment Q 44. Slightly Modifed Wording
Employment Q 45. Same
Employment Q 46. Slightly Modifed Wording
Employment Q 47. (a) Same (b) NEW How many people, including this person, usually shared the ride to work in this car, truck or van?
NEW 48. (a) What time did this person usually leave home to go to work? (b) How many minutes did it usually take this person to get from home to work?
Questions 48., 49. & 50. Same (Qs 49., 50. & 51.)
NEW 52. In 2010, did this person pay for child care, such as day care or babysitting, so that this person could work at his or her paid job(s)?
NEW 53. In 2010, did this person pay child or spousal support payments to a former spouse or partner?
INCOME Qs 51. & 52. Slightly Modified Wording and new Government Programs included (54-55)
Dwellings Qs 1. & 2. Same
New - was grouped in another questions Dwellings 3. Is this dwelling part of a condominium development?
Dwellings Qs 3., 4. & 5. Same (Qs 4., 5. & 6.)
NEW Dwellings 7. Is this dwelling located on an agricultural operation that is operated by a member of this household?
Dwellings 6. Same (Q 8.)
Dwellings 7. Same (Q 9.a) NEW (b) Is this dwelling subsidized?
Dwellings 8. Slightly Modified Wording (Q 10)
Q. 53 The Statistics Act guarantees the confidentiality of your census information. Only if you mark “YES” to this question will your personal information be made public, 92 years after the 2006 Census. If you mark “NO” or leave the answer blank, your personal information will never be made publicly available. F1. This question is for all persons including children younger than 15. If you are answering on behalf of other people, please consult each person. This question is for all persons including children younger than 15. Only if you mark "YES" to this question will your National Household Survey responses and family history be part of the historical record of Canada. A "YES" means your responses will be available to family members and historical researchers, 92 years after the 2011 National Household Survey, in 2103. If you mark "NO" or leave the answer blank, your responses will never be made available to future generations.
Source: Source:

2006 Short-Form Mandatory Census Compared to the 2011 Mandatory Census

2006 Short Form Census 2011 Census
1. Name 1. Same
2. Sex 2. Same
3. DOB 3. Same
4. Marital Status 4. Same
5. Is this person living with a common-law partner? 5. Same
6. Relationship to Person 1 6. Same
2006 long Form Only 7. Can this person speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?
2006 long Form Only 8. (a) What language does this person speak most often at home? (b) Does this person speak any other languages on a regular basis at home?
7. What is the language that this person first learned at home in childhood and still understands? If this person no longer understands the first language learned, indicate the second language learned. 9. Same
8. The Statistics Act guarantees the confidentiality of your census information. Only if you mark “YES” to this question will your personal information be made public, 92 years after the 2006 Census. If you mark “NO” or leave the answer blank, your personal information will never be made publicly available. 10. This question is for all persons including children younger than 15. If you are answering on behalf of other people, please consult each person. This question is for all persons including children younger than 15. Only if you mark "YES" to this question will your National Household Survey responses and family history be part of the historical record of Canada. A "YES" means your responses will be available to family members and historical researchers, 92 years after the 2011 National Household Survey, in 2103. If you mark "NO" or leave the answer blank, your responses will never be made available to future generations.
Source: Source:

The Canadian Government cuts the Long-Form Census,creates a survey that costs  $ 35 million for less reliable data and then cuts the agency back again by $7 million!

Canadian Press: Troubled StatsCan facing $7M in cuts

Hamilton Spectator:  StatsCan to cut more 5 more surveys

The Article includes the following surveys – I think I have the correct links but I am unsure!:

  1. The Industrial Pollutant Release Survey (I cannot find a link)
  2. The article says The Quarterly Energy Use  (Households and the Environment: Energy Use or Quarterly Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey which one?) and the  Greenhouse Gas Emissions Survey (Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Private Vehicles in Canada, 1990 to 2007 or Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report which one?) both pilot projects;
  3. The National Population Health Survey;
  4. The Survey of the Suppliers of Business Financing; and
  5. The Survey on Financing of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.


I will link the content later on!  Til then, you can enjoy digging for the info!  It has been a great couple of weeks where we have heard many discussions on Right To Know, Data Access and Open Data, and that is where I have been busy and thus a bit of a backlog on these round-ups.


  • Angus Reid Public Opinion Poll: Majority of Canadians Support Move to Reinstate Long Form Census
  • The Hamilton Spectator: Census Lie Exposed–census-lie-exposed
  • CBC:
  • CBC: Francophone challenge to census rejected
  • Global News: Court rejects francophone census challenge
  • Macleans: Census appeal hits dead end in Federal Court
  • Toronto Sun: Group’s request to overturn census decision denied
  • Winnipeg Free Press: Canadians give PM an earful on decision
  • Telegraph Journal: Federal court nixes challenge to Ottawa’s census changes
  • The Vancouver Sun: Bernier praised long-form census in 2006 letter
  • Ottawa Citizen: Census war still on
  • Global Toronto: Bernier blunders
  • Inside Halton: Halton MP’s town hall meeting draws out census debate–great-to-see-bonnie-of-bonnie-clyde
  • The Toronto Sun: Tories Reject Census Defeat
  • vancouver Sun: Minister praised long-form census in letter
  • Macleans: Make your own Commons
  • The Globe and Mail: Opposition, provinces fail to stir Tories from census position
  • National Post: Tories ignore opposition motion to bring back long-form census
  • International Statistical Institute: ISI President Jef Teugels sent a letter to the Canadian
  • Minister of Industry, and the Minister of Industry replied
  • The Toronto Star: Long and Short of the Census Debate:–long-and-short-of-the-census-debate
  • The North Bay Nugget: Agencies defend census
  • The whig Standard: Government’s census policy against the law: group
  • Vernon Morning Star: Trustees fight for census
  • The Montreal Gazette: Bernier backs off on census claims
  • the Globe and Mail: Language groups hit snag in census battle
  • Vancouver Sun: Census saga continues with Liberal MP’s bill
  • the CBC news: Industry Canada queried Bernier census claims
  • The Vancouver Sun: Judge throws out census-decision challenge
  • The Mark:
  • The Concordian: Voluntary census will cut federal costs
  • CBC News: Francophone challenge to census rejected
  • The Mark News: The long-form census controversy holds important lessons for both federal public servants and their political masters.
  • The Mark: Former industry minister Maxime Bernier said earlier this year that he received 1,000 complaints a day about the long-form census.
  • The Chronicle Herald:
  • CBC Inside Politics: Orders of the Day – Let’s All Take A Trip Down Census Crisis Memory Lane!—lets-all-take-a-trip-down-census-crisis-memory-lane.html
  • Le Devoir:Recensement – Bernier veut aller encore plus loin
  • Global News: Harper government faces court challenge on census
  • Le Devoir: Recensement – La Cour donne raison à Ottawa
  • The Globe and Mail: The census is for Parliament to decide
  • National Post: Tories will stick with census plan: Harper
  • Edmonton Journal: Paying both sides on census
  • Toronto Star: Government knew costs of axing census, documents show–not-too-late-to-save-census-goodale
  • CBC News: Liberals move to reinstate long-form census
  • Toronto Sun: Census….the debate never ends
  • The Ottawa Citizen: Court challenge, opposition both blast government over scrapped census
  • The Toronto Star: Government knew costs of axing census, documents show Liberals, critics still hope census decision can be reversed–not-too-late-to-save-census-goodale
  • The Montreal Gazette: Census compromise falls short, court told
  • The Whig Standard: Census Controversy in Court
  • Ottawa Sun: Opposition attacks government’s census policy
  • The Telegram: Shorter forms lead to census information shortage
  • CTV News; Liberals introduce bill to reinstate long-form census
  • Northumberland Review: Liberals Introduce Motion To Reinstate Mandatory Long-Form Census
  • Canadian Press: Layton loses bid for emergency census debate
  • The Toronto Star: StatsCan credibility, independence feared damaged in census scrap
  • The Montreal Gazette: NDP bid for census debate thwarted
  • The Record: Census set to take centre stage on Parliament Hill
  • Winnipeg Sun: Opposition attacks government’s census policy
  • North Bay Nugget: Agencies defend census
  • Times and Transcript: Dieppe protests federal census changes
  • toronto Sun: Anger over Conservatives’ census decision heads to court and House of Commons vote
  • The Toronto Star: Census debate: It just won’t go away–census-debate-it-just-won-t-go-away
  • The Montreal Gazette: Conservatives to stick with census plan
  • The Vancouver Sun: Court challenge, opposition both blast government over scrapped census
  • Canadian Press: Conservative Snub Parliament, Ontario, Quebec on Census Reversal
  • The Mark: A bill will be tabled on Oct. 1 that would make it illegal to get rid of the long form census.
  • The Winnipeg Sun: Tories reject census defeat
  • The Toronto Star: PM ‘confusing stubbornness with leadership’ over census, Ignatieff says–pm-confusing-stubbornness-with-leadership-over-census-ignatieff-says
  • Toronto Sun: Ontario and Quebec Ministers urge the Conservative government to reverse census decision
  • CBC News: MP launches bill to restore census
  • The Sault Star: City and local agency defend census
  • The Winnipeg Free Press: Conservatives snub Parliament, Ontario, Quebec on census reversal
  • AOL News: Liberals Move To Reinstate Long-Form Census
  • The Globe and Mail: Tories haul out ‘coalition’ label in census spat with opposition
  • The Toronto Star: Speaker rejects NDP call for emergency census debate–speaker-rejects-ndp-call-for-emergency-census-debate
  • PostMedia News: Liberals tout bill to re-introduce long-form census
  • The Ottawa Citizen: Census change concerns brushed off by Clement
  • North Bay Today: NDP keeps heat on census issue
  • The Toronto Star: Olive: Carney is a game-changing central banker–olive-carney-is-a-game-changing-central-banker
  • CBC News: Census change challenge heads to Federal Court
  • Post Media News: Court challenge, opposition both blast government over scrapped census
  • The Mark: A Francophone group is seeking an injunction against the voluntary survey that replaced the mandatory long-form census.
  • Canadian Press: Axing census costs data, feds admitted
  • Ottawa Sun: Long-form census asks too much
  • CTV news: Feds knew they’d lose data in census switch
  • CFRA 580 News: Census Debate Continues
  • Winnipeg Free Press: Conservatives snub Parliament, Ontario, Quebec on census reversal was created by Larry Franschman, with programming by Michael Mulley, as an open data/open government effort, organizing public election info around your ward, electoral district or riding, the building blocks of our democracy in Canada.

Information may or may not yearn to be free — but you shouldn’t have to pay to get it from the government.

Since it’s yours to begin with.

That was the unanimous conclusion of a GTEC panel discussion Tuesday on the implications of “open data,” including the potential for government departments to earn revenue from it.

Ottawa Citizen: ‘Open data’ should mean end to fees: GTEC panel

Debra Thompson: The Politics of the Census: Lessons from Abroad, pp. 377-382.

David A. Green and Kevin Milligan: The Importance of the Long Form Census to Canada, pp. 383-388.

Lisa Dillon: The Value of the Long Form Canadian Census for Long Term National and International Research, pp. 389-393.

Michael R. Veall: 2B or Not 2B? What Should Have Happened with the Canadian Long Form Census? What Should Happen Now?, pp. 395-399.

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