Journalism in the Age of Data documentary funded by the John S. Knight Fellowship. It is about the who is who and the the what is what of data visualization.
Journalists are coping with the rising information flood by borrowing data visualization techniques from computer scientists, researchers and artists. Some newsrooms are already beginning to retool their staffs and systems to prepare for a future in which data becomes a medium. But how do we communicate with data, how can traditional narratives be fused with sophisticated, interactive information displays?
The table of contents included:
- Data Vis in journalism
- Telling Data Stories
- A new era in infographics
- Life as a data stream
- Exploring Data
- Technologies and tools
My favorite line is “Transparency is the new black”. I also agree that we are not quite ready yet for this form of communication, we are just figuring it out, tools are few, you still have to be a coder to do visualization and the main tool remains Flash. We are seeing some tools like ManyEyes, but alas we still have a long way to go before we really get to see what OpenData Data will yield.
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