- Toronto Star: Axing census questions adds up to trouble for Tories
“Truly a stupid decision,’’ Liberal critic says - The Province: Liberals want to recall committee to study census
- Liberals Art and Culture: Census 2011: Mauril Belanger Supports the Commissioner of Official Languages
- Canadian Institute of Planners: Letter
- Canadian Urban Institute: Proposed Changes on How Canada Collects Census Data Not in the Public Interest
- Lumina: 2011 Census (Reprise)
- The Contrarian: Harper’s Reformers vandalize the census
- The Kingston Whig Standard: Privacy watchdog satisfied with 2011 census
- Canadian Medical Association Journal: Ideology trumps evidence with new voluntary survey
- The Progressive Economics Forum: Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
- The Calgary Herald: Census censure
- Canada.Com: Tony Clement willing to testify before MPs about census
- Canadian Marketing Association: CMA calls on government to retain mandatory detailed census form
- Radio Canada: Québec désapprouve à son tour
- Le Soleil: Recensement: non à l’abandon du questionnaire long
- Worthwhile Canadian Initiative: Blame Stats Canada!
- G&M Poll:
- Individual Action: do something really boring today
- National Post: National Post editorial board: Leave the long-form census alone
- Creative Class: by Richard Florida Politics vs. Data
- Canadian News Wire: La CREPUQ s’oppose fermement à la décision du gouvernement fédéral d’abolir l’obligation de remplir la version longue du questionnaire du recensement de 2011
- Gouvernment du Quebec: RECENSEMENT 2011: IMPACTS POUR LE QUÉBEC
- Ottawa Citizen Editorial Board: Admit the mistake
- The Progressive Economics Forum: Jewish, Evangelical groups oppose census change
- CTV news: Jewish, Evangelical groups oppose census change
- CAPDU: List of media stories from CIQSS at l’Universite de Montreal
- Canada Social Data Strategy
- David Eaves: Save the Census Coalition
- Canadian Council on Social Development
- Previous Post (Cumulative List of Media)
Conservative Bloggers:
- Pragmatictory: Big Census
- Doubleblind: Long Form Census-changes
- Barrelstrength: The Long Form Census What Were They Thinking
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