Hamilton Spectator: Local agencies support long-form census
The Chronicle Herald: Countering misinformation about the census
Le Devoir: Retrait du formulaire long du recensement – Les discussions se poursuivent: De l’autre côté de l’Atlantique, plusieurs pays ont aboli le recensement
New York Times: Lessons of the Census
Post Media: Statistics council suggests compromise to end census battle
Globe and Mail: MPs grill Tony Clement, top statisticians over census changes
BI Professional: Why Data Quality Matters
CBC news: Stop the census presses! This just in from the National Statistics Council…
The Hook: Seniors’ group attacks voluntary census with a voluntary poll
The Toronto Star: Government-appointed advisory group says Canadians need full census info: National Statistics Council joins census debate the day before former StatsCan boss to speak out on why he quit
Globe and Mail: Three cheers for a hidden agenda!
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: All the latest on the census long-form debacle
Globe and Mail: Race is on to find compromise on census
Industry Minister Tony Clement testifies at 9 a.m. (ET) on Tuesday before the House of Commons industry committee on the Conservatives’ decision to do away with the long-form census. With time running out, statistics council puts forth deal that aims to salvage mandatory survey and allay privacy concerns
Rabble.ca: Lies, damned lies, and the census
Samara: Philosophy lives! (the census edition)
The Toronto Star: Walkom: The census kerfuffle isn’t about the census; it’s about Stephen Harper
The Record: Census cynicism? Worries raised over response rates for 2011 census and survey
Canadian Press: Will Canadians fill out the census and the survey?
CBC: UPDATED – CensusWatch: The Statistical Society of Canada, the Fraser Institute and Don Drummond? Now it’s a party!
Globe and Mail: Why did top statistician take so long to resign over census?
David Eaves: It was never about privacy…
National Post: Stephen Taylor: The beginning of the end of the Canadian welfare state
Globe and Mail: Harper’s census push months in the making
Prime Minister Stephen Harper waves to the crowd at a Calgary Stampede breakfast in on July 10, 2010. Scrapping the mandatory long form stems from libertarian convictions, insiders say.
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami: Media Advisory Inuit to Address House of Commons Committee on Census Long Form
Globe and Mail: Retirees wary of Tory census move
National Statistical Council of Canada: Press Release
Post Media News: Statistics council suggests compromise to end census battle
I wrote this short article for Science-Presse: http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/blogue/2010/07/28/vie-privee-recensement – surprised nobody had written about it there yet.
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