Ok! Something is afoul, and I am not sure it can be solely explained by technological glitches!
The Reinstate our Census Long Form aka Questionnaire 2B, at 310 votes, can only be seen at this link, but should be the #1 ranked submission on the:
and should be the number two ranked overall on the Consultation home page
but does not appear on either! What is up with that!
I have screen captures from that night and this morning.
Contact Industry Canada here:
So far I have contacted: David Louden 613-947-5972, I have spoken to Francine Quevillon at Brian Spurling’s Office, Kim Montpellier at Helen McDonald’s Office, and numerous people at the Client services of the IC site, Genevieve Sigouin 613-952-5480, IC IT Communications, Telephone: IC IT general Web Info 613-954-5031 email: info@ic.gc.ca; attention Phil Boulay
Communications and Marketing Branch Director General
Brian Spurling
Telephone: 613-947-2597
Fax: 613-947-3390
Email: brian.spurling@ic.gc.ca
Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Assistant Deputy Minister
Helen McDonald
Telephone: 613-998-0368
Fax: 613-952-1203
Email: helen.mcdonald@ic.gc.ca
I have also emailed the following people at media relations:
nicole.barsalou@ic.gc.ca, media-relations-medias@ic.gc.ca, julie.iannetta@ic.gc.ca
Overall! Industry Canada does not seem to have a point person on this file, or, at least, no one seems to know who that is.
I contacted DEC and this is the response they sent me:
The Government of Canada is interested in the ideas and views of all Canadians.
While the changes to the Census are important, they are not directly related to the development of a digital economy strategy for Canada. Hence, the post was moved to the off-topic section of the site. It is still available for reading and can be accessed by searching the consultation web site and at its original URL(http://de-en.gc.ca/2010/07/06/reinstate-our-census-long-form-aka-questionnaire-2b/). The site’s Terms of Use clearly state that all postings are expected to be on-topic and relevant, and off-topic ideas will be moved to an off-topic section.
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